Does Your Mom Need Senior Home Care?

Senior Home Care in Folsom CAIf your mom wants to live independently at home as she gets older, but you’re worried about her ability to be safe at home, senior home care is a great option. With senior home care, your mom can continue doing the things she likes to do. But, she will have help doing things that are becoming more difficult for her as she gets older.

Senior home care can do things like help your mom with shopping or getting her hair done, cooking meals, keeping the house tidy, and many other tasks that must be done. Your mom will have an easier time enjoying her golden years at home with some help from a care provider.

It’s best to get senior home care for your mom as soon as possible. Having a care provider at home with your mom will lower the risk that she will fall or get hurt at home. And, it gives her time to build a strong relationship with a caregiver that she can trust.

Even if your mom hasn’t told you that she’s ready for some help at home she may be showing signs that she needs some help. If your mom is experiencing any of these things you should consider getting senior home care to help her:

Difficulty with Daily Activities

If you notice that your mom seems to be having trouble with things like putting away dishes, getting heavy bottles or cartons out of the fridge, cooking, getting dressed, or performing other daily tasks it’s time to look into senior home care. Having a home care provider help with household and daily tasks can make your mom much more comfortable at home.

Frequent Falls or Injuries

If your mom is experiencing falls or accidents at home, it may signal a decline in mobility or balance. That could mean that she’s at risk of having a nasty fall that could cause serious injuries. Injuries could be small things like getting bruises from bumping into furniture or doorways, or stumbling as she moves around the house. All injuries, falls, or near-falls should be a cause of concern.

Neglected Home Environment

A significant decline in the cleanliness or upkeep of their living space can be a sign that your mom is having trouble managing household tasks. Senior home care can help keep the house clean, tidy, and sanitary to make it a pleasant, comfortable, and safe place for your mom to be.

Signs of Poor Nutrition

Weight loss, unbalanced meals, or skipping meals could all be signs that your mom is having a hard time cooking or shopping for herself. A care provider can help your mom plan meals, shop for ingredients, and make meals more fun.

Memory Issues

Even if your mom hasn’t been diagnosed with a memory disorder or a condition like Alzheimer’s she may start becoming forgetful. Forgetfulness, confusion, or difficulty remembering appointments or medications can be a sign of cognitive decline and the need for help at home.

Medication Mismanagement

If your mom is skipping taking her medications, forgetting to take them at the right times, or mixing up the doses of the medications she is supposed to take senior home care can help. Taking the wrong medications or not taking prescribed medicines can be dangerous for your mom. A care provider will make sure she is taking her medications on time.

If you or an aging loved one is considering Senior Home Care in Folsom, CA, please contact the caring staff at Aging Assistant today at (916) 897-4752