Easy Moves To Get Seniors Moving

It’s no secret that regular physical activity is essential for maintaining a healthy weight and overall well-being. In addition to helping us maintain a healthy weight, it enhances our cardiovascular health, bone density, flexibility, and muscles’ efficiency; it even aids in the delivery of oxygenated blood!


Companion care at home can help keep a senior motivated to do their daily routine, and this may include the exercise routine they have been working on. If you or a physical therapist helps your seniors learn exercises, companion care at home can help ensure they do them every day. 


It doesn’t matter how old you are; regular exercise should be a part of everyone’s daily regimen. In addition to combating osteoporosis and diabetes, exercising may help fight certain forms of cancer and even relieve pain from arthritis. All of the above are reasons why elderly folks should engage in regular physical activity.


However, seniors should avoid high-impact activities that may bring extra discomfort to their joints or impose undue stress on the body. A senior citizen’s doctor and physical therapist should be consulted before beginning any new workout regimen.

Try Water Workouts

Home Care Services Lodi, CA: Active Seniors

Home Care Services Lodi, CA: Active Seniors

A low-impact cardiovascular workout may be achieved with swimming, which is an excellent all-around activity. In addition to swimming laps, you may walk laps around the pool’s shallow end, participate in low-impact water aerobics programs, or even use a kickboard to make your way around!

Try Balancing Activities 

Preventing future falls is a major goal for elderly folks, and keeping their balance is crucial. Doing basic activities like standing on one foot or getting up and down from a chair without hanging on may help seniors improve their balance. These workouts are also quantifiable, and development can be clearly seen with repetition.

Give Senior Yoga A Go

A growing number of gyms and community groups are now offering chair yoga for the over-60 set. Slow-moving, chair-based yoga is a terrific approach to stretching, strengthening, and improving balance and posture for seniors and anyone with limited mobility.

Try Strength Exercises

Elderly people may benefit greatly from strength training, which is essential in the battle against osteoporosis and other bone-related ailments. Seniors might explore utilizing tiny hand weights or resistance bands. They should work with their doctor or physical therapist to develop a sustainable, focused, and tailored regimen to their health and mobility needs. Even light weights every day can help. 

Look At Their Diet

If a senior is feeling slow and sluggish, take a look at what they’re eating. If they have been eating tons of sugar, it could be leading to crashes. Tons of processed foods can also impact how a senior feels throughout the day. Making adjustments to a senior diet may be crucial to helping them get up and moving every day. 


When a senior works out regularly, they can keep their weight down, which will help them stay healthier. This will help keep them living comfortably much longer and allow them to remain independent from you or from others who have to help.

If you or an aging loved-one is considering Home Care Services in Lodi, CA please contact the caring staff at Aging Assistant today. (916) 897-4752

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James Ozsvath
Aging Assistant is a locally owned and operated in-home senior care provider, we are dedicated to helping our clients to remain in the home they love for as long as they can. Our caregiving staff are all warm and compassionate professionals, experienced in taking care of seniors in various stages of health. We handle a wide range of services, such as help with shopping, housekeeping, attending doctor’s appointments, and preparing meals. We also provide our clients with limited mobility or more intensive conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease or Dementia with the higher level of personal care that they require. Call our team now if you need help with a loved one's care.